Saturday, April 23, 2011

And So It Continues... #3 Tame Impala - Innerspeaker

Hmm... For the third day running, I really hoped that I would come across an album that I would like. The first two days have thrown up offerings that I haven't really had opinions on either way, and today, again, unfortunately, it's the same situation again.

In the spirit of the challenge, I have never heard Tame Impala, I've heard of them, but never heard what they are all about.

On first listen, it seemed it could one of two ways. There was a chance that some Secret Machines-like psychedelic heavy rock may be on its way, but unfortunately, it went the other way, and sounded a lot like Crocodiles.

The band, I suppose, are some kind of psychedelic, shoegazing affair, and if some of the things I have read are to be believed, they are also masters of Australian rock. I would have to say that if this is what the land down under has to offer, I'm happy enough to postpone my visit.

Opening track It's Not Meant to Be suggests what's going to be happening for the rest of the album really, with its floating, echoing lyrics not really grabbing attention over feedback-heavy guitars and a surprisingly enthralling drum beat.

Moving into track two, we have more of the detached vocals, and I doubt that its only me that can hear a bit of a Beatles sound in here. Not good Beatles by the way, drug-fuelled Beatles perhaps, but not good.

As this whole challenge is about going to Glastonbury, I really don't know how the band are going to sound on stage, when the use of the echo button on the sound desk will become even more apparent, and to be honest, this has put me off going along to find out. I think that I would like them if they went in a different direction with the vocals, and had something that was quite cutting, instead of floating by, then they could be quite good, but until then, they just aren't.

The final track sums it all up for me really, it's called I Really Don't Mind, and that sums up my thoughts to this album, again... I don't mind it, but it doesn't do anything for me at all. It's background music, and little else. I can see me going along to see them at the festival if I'm full of booze and fancy sitting down, but apart from that, I'm out.

Shall I finish off with another corking pun? Ok, Tame Impala are, to be fair, tame.

Be sure to check out Rachel's blog too please - it's over here...

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