Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Better never than late? #5 Caitlin Rose - Own Side Now

I don't know Caitlin Rose, I probably wish that I did, she sounds lovely, honestly she does, and I think that's the problem here.

I had never listened to Ms Rose before today, but she was next up on the hallowed list, so listen I did, and I'd love to be able to engage your eyes with a majestic tale of how her music moved me into rattling up a magnificent blog about this album, but I can't. I really tried to like it, really tried, but in the end I just gave up and went back to Dan Mangan.

You see, I think the problem may be that Caitlin Rose sounds too lovely. Well, a mixture of that I the fact that I just don't have any interest in her blend of country and folk. It's not that I can't appreciate this for a nice piece of work, I just didn't like it. Plain and simple. Bad reviewer I may be, but I (hopefully) have plenty of time to rectify that over the next 55 albums.

I think also that Ms Rose's lyrics kind of put me off too. Second track Own Side sees her questioning how she is going to manage after her lover has moved on. Who will want her now that she is second hand goods, that kind of thing. I don't know, maybe I was just over tired when I gave this a listen, and the rational part of me says that I should go back and give it another go, but most of me is just looking forward to tackling something else tomorrow, something with a bit of life to it.

And there lies the problem with this album really, although it sounds all lovely and nice, there isn't really anything that jumps out and says 'listen to me', it's just, well, pretty I suppose. And while I, like most people, can appreciate superficial beauty, if it has no substance, then I'm not interested. I can see why Caitlin Rose is popular, and she is a far cry from the other female singer-songwriters out there such as Lily Allen and Kate Nash (I can't comment on Adele, I'm yet to hear a song by her), but I'm afraid that I'm just not impressed.

As you will have gathered by now, thanks to five days of 'reviews', I'm not exactly the number one music critic on the planet, but I know what I like, and unfortunately, this ticks none of the necessary boxes.

As a sorry for the poor quality of this, I'll pop the definitive list up tomorrow, so you the reader(s?), Rachel and myself will be able to see what we have in store. Please be sure to check out Rachel's efforts on this album by the way, it provides an excellent read, you can go grab it here.

And that's me for another day. Do me a favour, if you do read this, leave a comment or message me on Twitter - @daninfrance. It would be fascinating to see if anyone does.

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