Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I Have a Word to Describe This - #12 Glasvegas - Euphoric /// Heartbreak \\\

Ok, so it might have an odd title, but after multiple listens, I've decided what word I would use to describe Glasvegas' second album - epic.

Don't get me wrong, this most definitely won't be to everyone's liking, as you will find out when you go over to take a look at what Rachel thought of this one, find that here.

When I first decided to listen to Glasvegas a few months ago, I couldn't get into it at all. I admit that I thought most of their first album sounded pretty much exactly the same, with some Scottish fella whining over the top of music that didn't really stand out from the crowd, however, I like to keep an open mind musically, and downloaded their new, much-hyped album hoping that it would impress me. And impress me it did.

A number of albums these days seem to start with an 'odd' opening, and as with Bright Eyes (see entry #10), this record opens with someone chattering away in French. Confession time. I will have been living here for six months soon, but I have no idea what she is talking about. It does offer a good build up to the first 'proper' track on the album though, which I like. As I said, a lot of albums seem to do it now, Chapel Club are another of my favourite bands to feature the concept first track, which is in total contrast to something like the Vaccines, who launch straight into things. I'm undecided on which approach I prefer.

But, I digress. Back to the tunes eh?

The Scottish angst is still here, but I think the band have grown musically, and this certainly grabs my attention more than their debut did. Dream, Dream, Dreaming is definitely a personal highlight, as it creates such a grand, huge sound. Actually, this album is what I call 'headphone music'. It's perhaps not the best to stick on the stereo when you have friends round, but sitting in your own world, immersed in the music, it is a fantastic listen.

The band's live shows are also rumoured to be excellent. I can see why, as the epic sound that they create is probably quite an experience if they extend the tracks, which bands tend to do live. Unfortunately for them, and even more so for me, they are on the Other Stage at Glastonbury at the same time as Coldplay headline the Pyramid. And as much as I like this album, and I really, really do, I'm afraid I'll be watching Chris Martin on Saturday night, rather than Glasvegas.

It really is a shame, as I could listen to this album all day and not get bored, I may get a little depressed, but that comes with the territory when dealing with Glasgow's finest.

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