Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Maybe When I Was 15... - #31 Jimmy Eat World - Jimmy Eat World

A bit of a poke around the Internet suggests to me that the first actual rock concert I went to was in 2001. I was a bit of a late starter on the whole gig scene, but like to think that I've more than made up for it since.

I actually remember the whole thing perfectly, which isn't always the case with gigs that I've caught as I've got older. It was the Manchester Evening News Arena, the support bands were A and AFI, and the band in question? The Offspring.

The night was rather excellent too I might add. The band were on top form, as were the supports. All in all, cracking stuff.

But why are you telling us this? I hear you ask. Well that was the time in my life that I associate with bands like Jimmy Eat World.
(sorry for the huge gap, the image has a massive border)
Feel free to tell me that I'm wrong if I am, but I've always lumped them in a pile with bands such as The Offspring, Less Than Jake and Reel Big Fish.

Unfortunately, I just don't think that this album is half as much fun as the above bands. Maybe that's because my categorisation policy is poor, or maybe I'm just correct? There is, after all, a first time for everything.

It's the drums played at a million miles per hour, and thrashy guitars that conjure up the images of the other bands that I've listed. That, and a Green Day(ish) sounding vocalist. Actually, I should have added Green Day to that list a little earlier, shouldn't I?

Now I'm not saying that this is unpleasant to listen to, it certainly isn't, but it's something that I would have enjoyed all those years ago. I think these days, I prefer vocalists to not sound like they are shouting (or at least on the verge of shouting), Songs to have more variety and (sometimes), something a little calmer. I could feel sweaty just listening to this album.

I mean, there are some good songs on here, but it's difficult to tell them apart from the others. Everything is just. so. similar.

I mean, there are some great songs on here, but it's hard to tell them apart from the others. Everything is just. so. similar.

(see what I did there?)

I think I'll leave the rest up to you guys. If thrashy, teen-rock is your kind of thing, then you may well love this, and probably have it already. If you used to like Green Day, before they got whiny and a bit crap, you may well enjoy this a lot, so give it a go. If you like Reel Big Fish, but aren't so keen on the brass instruments, the same applies.

Jimmy Eat World. They may rock your world, but not mine.


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