Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Third of the Way There Already - #20 John Grant - Queen of Denmark

Right, a quick word about the title, not explaining it obviously, it does that itself.

20 days ago, Rachel and myself started this challenge with the intentions of taking in some new music, and letting anyone who cared to listen know our feelings about it along the way. I hope, for those of you that have read some of these, that you've found something that you like, and will come back for more in the future.

My original hope was to get the blog past 1000 views by the time the festival came around, and we had reached our 60th album. At the time of writing, with 19 albums down, and this one not included, the current tally stands at 990. Wow.

It would be unkind of me not to mention that a lot of this may be down to two artists that featured a few days ago. When Dan le Sac and Scroobius Pip both sent out my piece via their Twitter feeds, the numbers went a little crazy over the course of one morning. I am eternally grateful to both, and so should you be, but for their music, not the championing of my cause.

Arguably, the even more fascinating thing about getting almost 1000 views is just where they have come from. UK, understandable. France, understandable. Even America isn't as much of a surprise, although I'm not sure how I gained a following over there, only promoting this on my Twitter and Facebook. The power of the Internet never ceases to amaze me... However, the most interesting following is probably those in Denmark. Hi Denmark? How are you, and how did over 50 of you find my blog? When I add in China, Russia, Switzerland, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Australia and more, I am truly amazed. To anyone in any of these countries reading now, thank you.

You didn't come here to listen to me patting myself on the back though, did you? You came to learn about Mr John Grant, and his Queen of Denmark album.

I'd be delighted if today was the day that I could wax lyrical about a masterpiece that I loved from start to finish. It's not.

I don't actualy have anything against this album, well, apart from one song, but it's not one that I'll be revisiting with any great urgency. There are some fine tracks on here, but it's all a little too odd for me if I'm going to be honest, and not enjoyable odd really, just, well, odd.

Grant seems to enjoy being melancholy, but then, who doesn't from time to time? I seem to remember reading somewhere, a while ago, that he was talked into making this record, as he wasn't very interested in music anymore, something that he references in one of the songs actually, talking about thinking of killing himself.

For me, Chicken Bones is the highlight. It's just another day in life, but one of those days where everyone drives you mad, and you'd be happy if everyone just fucked off and left you alone. His words, not mine.

There is also a pretty good track about feeling like Winona Ryder, and Sigourney Weaver. That's odd too, but in a good way this time.

Oh, and the song I couldn't stand? That's the Good News. Some electrocrap, with the vocals in a crappy accent. It's, well, you know, crap.

But, onwards on upwards fair reader. Take a look at the list, there's a lot to look forward to for the rest of the week, including tomorrow's offering, a band that I saw at last year's festival, and plan to again this time around.

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